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Thursday, June 25, 2015


Breaking Away and Spilling the Rottenness?

Five years of an unholy alliance. Five years of sleeping with his enemies. Five years of keeping the dark secrets of an inept presidency.

But the dissonance of the country's second highest official,  Jejomar ( from the initial letters of Jesus, Joseph, Maria) Binay,  is always surfacing even if the Palace and detractors did not pry open the lid of his Pandora's box.

The political opposition in the Philippines is no longer without a leader, an analyst said, referring to the person--Binay-- who has been accused of unexplained wealth and other anomalies.

Is he a credible leader who can speak for us whose combined "voices are as weak as Padsan and the dying rivers"? Should he not, first and foremost, explain his alleged enormous riches?

He was then a poor human rights lawyer during the time of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos. He came into power after the Edsa Revolution, having been appointed s Officer-in-Charge of Makati, the country's richest city. And the rest is history--an economic empire that boggles the imagination.

Too late to become the hero of the poor and the downtrodden?

Nevertheless, he may yet become the top honcho in the palace by the dirty and highly-polluted Pasig river.

In the dysfunctional Filipino culture, men of honor and integrity and high ideals, do not become President of Las Islas de Los Ladrones. The voters, the great unwashed, elect into powerful public offices men of ill-repute and criminals like the convicted economic plunderer.

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