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Wednesday, October 30, 2013


     The P10-billion scam allegedly masterminded by detained Janet Napoles in connivance with lawmakers and other government functionaries is against the Filipino people, especially the poor and downtrodden. 
     It is unbelievable and beyond comprehension, that the law, which is supposed to protect the citizens against this perfidy, has instead become the enemy and made Congress a cavernous den of thieves. In fact, Congress has been described as the biggest criminal syndicate of the Philippines, if not the whole world.
     How can we stop this kind of cruelty. this barbarity--the strong (the law)against the weak and downtrodden Filipinos, most of them trying to earn an honest living? 
     Who will take the initiative and lead the poor and the most miserable sector to organize themselves against this injustice inflicted against them by the mighty and powerful centurions and their cohorts and even their kin?

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